Local Workshops



The Greek, Italian and Romanian Partners had the task to test the methods, tools and activities learned during the TC in Italy, and using the Badges as learning recognition.


Each partner, with their 2 educators present in the Italian TC, tested the methods of Non-formal education and the Badges in different learning environments and with different targets:


Dimitra- Larissa, Greece: As propedeutic workshops before specialistic Courses for long-term unemployed- held in Dimitra centre twice a month.


Associazione Agrado, Vinci, Italy: 6 workshop in a class of the Secondary school- Technical Institute "A . Checchi" in Fucecchio, Italy- with students from different origins and backgrounds with difficulties (especially on relationships);


Satu Mare Prison, Romania: 6 workshops into the Prison with inmates.




    a. Workshops in Greece


6 workshops each 2 weeks- before other training

 Group: Long term unemployed

 Techniques and games used: Cooperation game (Carpet, Spaghetti tower, Egg,..), win –win game, Transactional Analysis

 Skills developed: Teamwork and cooperation, expression, interaction between themselves

 Badges: every meeting were reminded- Hard for many of them to claim badges regardless the wi-fi and laptops- (no ICT skills)- Few claimed badges in digital form but after the final reminder, Badges were handled out in paper form to all participants

 Changes: Great changes in cooperation, and openness- Trainers of the following Training said that the participants arrived full of energy and more motivated- Asked for Non formal tools



b. Workshops  in Italy


6 workshops with students in a secondary school in Fucecchio. (18 years old).  Once a week

 Class selected with teachers because of the problems inside (“multicultural”, born by the fusion between 2 other classes, no empathy between students, with teachers- no relationships- control by a girl on te others- fear of judgement)-

 Techniques and games used: Simulation and role-play games, Theatre of Oppressed techniques, Transactional Analysis, Win-win games,…

 Skills developed at the end: More self-awareness, openness and less fear of show opinions and feelings, more feeling management. Badges were 6: Learning to learn, communication, negotiation, self-awareness, emotional management, problem solvng.

 Badges: Problem with the environment- no wifi for students, so they had to claim badges at home and also register n the platform- maybe they lived this as a “homework” and didn’t do it.

 Only 3 badges claimed and 11 people on the platform.

 In the last workshop we used paper badges making a quiz on topcs we faced during the process. It worked well.

 Changes: More self-awareness, openess and less fear of show opinions and feelings, more feeling management.



c. Workshops in ROMANIA               


6 workshops with inmates in Satu Mare prison.

 Every day with the same group of inmates- even if with a changeable number of it.

 Mixed group for level, age, and skills

 Techniques and games used: Cooperation game (Carpet, Spaghetti tower, Egg,..), Theatre of Oppressed techniques.

 Skills developed: Teamwork and cooperation, expression, interaction between themselves

 Badges: explained but not used- the general level of inmates didn’t permit understanding of the badge system

 Changes: Clearly visible from the (reserved) photos: faces of the inmates at the end of the activities show feelings of joy and openess- physical contact and interaction between each other – improvement of relationships between some of them.